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Sectors: Overview

Here you can view and interrogate data on the contribution to the Somerset economy of a number of defined sectors and compare this with national averages. You will find data on economic output (GVA), employment (FTE) and productivity (GVA/FTE) for each sector.

Slide 1 shows the contribution of each sector to economic output (GVA), enabling a comparison between Somerset and Great Britain, as well as between Somerset's constituent lower-tier local authority areas. Slide 2 affords a similar comparison, though for employment contribution (FTEs). Slide 3 shows the relative productivity (GVA/FTE) of each sector, comparing Somerset with Great Britain. Use the drop down menu to select individual sectors. Right click on any chart to select and view the underlying data in table format.

About the data

In terms of their relative contribution to economic output, advanced engineering and manufacturing, food & drink and environment industries are notable strengths for Somerset when compared to national averages. Meanwhile Somerset is less strong when it comes to creative industries and digital technologies. During 2020 Somerset also showed a low strength in the Tourist industries compared to National, this is directly related to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) impact.

In terms of employment, advanced engineering and manufacturing is again a comparative strength, but so too is food and drink. As with output, creative industries and digital technologies are less significant in terms of their contribution to employment.

At the lower-tier local authority level within Somerset there are distinct differences, for example, tourist industries are particularly important in Somerset West & Taunton, both in terms of economic output and employment, whilst advanced manufacturing and engineering, defence are particularly important in South Somerset.

For more detailed interpretations of the data, individual sector profiles looking at economic output, employment and productivity can be found alongside this page.

Source: Economic Model for Somerset and the Heart of the South West (HotSW) Local Enterprise Partnership, 2022