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The charts above show attainment 8 performance - slide one shows performance for 2021/22, slide two shows the gender gap in performance and slide three shows attainment gap

The average attainment 8 score across school pupils (21/22) across Somerset was 45.6, slightly lower than the national average (48.9). Attainment 8 measures a student’s average grade across eight subjects, with some subjects such as mathematics and English having greater weighting. Therefore it as a way of standardising attainment across subject areas at GCSE level. Performance across the Somerset districts are broadly comparable.

However, as seen nationally, there is a considerable gender gap between girls and boys, with the former typically achieving a higher level of attainment. The most significant characteristic in terms of the wider inclusive growth and Levelling Up agendas is the significant difference in attainment between disadvantaged pupils and all other pupils – also seen nationally.

Nationally, there is a 15.2ppt difference in attainment between disadvantaged (defined as those pupils in receipt of free school meals) and non-disadvantaged pupils, and this gap has widened in recent years after some narrowing. In Somerset the widest gap can be seen in Somerset Wet and Taunton.

Source: Attainment 8 performance by local authority (