About the data
The economic inactivity rate is higher for females (26%) than it is for males (13.7%) in Somerset, whereas regionally and nationally there is a similar difference. At the UK level, the inactivity rate for males (18.1%) is 7.1 percentage points lower than it is for females (25.2%).
There is a similar pattern for employment rates between males and females at these respective geographies, although the difference within Somerset is notably larger, with a male employment rate of 83.3% compared to a female employment rate of 72.1%.
The latest data as of December 2022 reports there to have been 3,000 unemployed females in Somerset, a rate of 2.6%, compared to 4,800 males and a rate of 3.7%. The regional unemployment rates were 2.9% for males and 2.5% for females, whilst nationally they were 3.7% for males and 3.5% for females.
There is also a clear disparity between the self-employment rates of males (12%) and females (6.6%) in UK, however Somerset’s self employment rates are fairly balanced Males (12.4%) and Females (10%)
For definitions of employment, unemployment and economic inactivity, please see the separate page on ‘Employment’.
Source: ONS, NOMIS, Annual Population Survey January 2022 – December 2022