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Disposable Income

Gross disposable household income (GDHI) is the amount of money that all of the individuals in the household sector have available for spending or saving after they have paid direct and indirect taxes and received any direct benefits. GDHI is a concept that is seen to reflect the “material welfare” of the household sector.

The chart above compares GDHI data for Somerset, the South West and the UK, as well as the other upper-tier local authority areas within the Heart of the South West. Click to Slide 2 to view GDHI data for Somerset's constituent lower-tier local authoirty areas. Right click on either chart to select and view the underlying data in table format.

About the data

The latest data is for 2019 and suggests the total GDHI in Somerset was £11,416m. Per head of the population this is £20,827. This was lower than both the South West average of £21,222 and the UK average £21,433. It is higher than the unitary areas of Plymouth (£16,517) and Torbay (£18,041) but slightly lower than Devon County Council area (£20,924).

Between 2018 and 2019 (provisional), GDHI in Somerset was estimated to have grown by 2.1%. The South West (2.4%) and the UK (2.5%) have a slightly higher growth rate.

Source: ONS, Regional Accounts, Gross Disposable Household Income. October 2021