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Resident Earnings

The data presented here is from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE, 2021). This is carried out in April each year and is the most comprehensive source of information on the structure and distribution of earnings in the UK.

The tables and charts above show earnings data for Somerset and a number of comparator geographies, including lower-tier local authorities within Somerset. Slide 1 shows data on earnings for all employment types, as well as for full-time and part-time work specifically. Click to Slide 2 to view similar data broken down by sex.

About the data

In 2022 median[1] gross annual full-time earnings in Somerset was estimated to be £30,294, an increase of 5.66% on the previous year. This is lower than the figure both for the South West (£31,726) and the UK (£33,000). It is however higher than the figure for the Heart of the South West LEP area of £29,531.

If we include earnings from part-time work as well as full-time work, then the median wage in Somerset is just £25,303. This is lower than the South West average of £26,697, and significantly lower than the UK average of £27,756. This is due to a higher incidence of part-time-work in Somerset.

There is a significant difference in earnings between males and females. Including both full and part-time work, the median wage for males in Somerset in 2022 was £32,074, whereas for females it was just £27,017. This is partly accounted for by a higher incidence of part-time working among females (see ‘Employment & Gender’), but also significantly lower full-time earnings compared with males.

In 2022 roughly 11,000 jobs were accounted for by male part-time workers compared to 40,000 by females. Earnings are similar for both males and females in part-time work. In 2022, the median annual wage in part-time work was £12,246 for males and £11,613 for females.

However, the median wage for females in full-time work is lower than it is for males. In 2022, the median annual wage in full-time work was £32,074 for males, but just £27,017 for females.

[1] The median is the value below which 50% of employees fall. It is preferred over the mean for earnings data as it is influenced less by extreme values and because of the skewed distribution of earnings data.

Source: ONS, Annual Survey of hours and earnings, resident analysis. 2022